Citation guidelines

All Epos-France data sets have DOIs (Digital Object Identifier ) associated with their seismic network according to the standard procedure approved in 2014 by the FDSN.

If you are using Epos-France data for your research, you must  use these DOI  in your acknowledgments or citations as appropriate. You can find citation information on each network page or use the FDSN web tool to automatically generate citations Epos-France datasets. It is also possible to get the citation information of Epos-France data in various formats from datacite, see for instance

Citation example:

The principle is simple: cite seismic networks as you would cite a research article. Here is an example for a seismicity study using data from the French Broad Band, the Strong Motion networks and from GEOSCOPE.

In the main body of the article:

In this study we used data from networks with FDSN code FR (RESIF, 1995a), RA (RESIF, 1995b) and G (Institut De Physique Du Globe De Paris (IPGP) and Ecole Et Observatoire Des Sciences De La Terre De Strasbourg (EOST), 1982).

In the Reference list:

Institut De Physique Du Globe De Paris (IPGP) and Ecole Et Observatoire Des Sciences De La Terre De Strasbourg (EOST) (1982). GEOSCOPE, French Global Network of broad band seismic stations. Institut de physique du globe de Paris (IPGP), Université de Paris. doi:10.18715/geoscope.g

RESIF (1995a). RESIF-RLBP French Broad-band network, RESIF-RAP strong motion network and other seismic stations in metropolitan France. RESIF – Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français. doi:10.15778/

RESIF (1995b). RESIF-RAP French Accelerometric Network. RESIF – Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français. doi:10.15778/resif.ra

Examples of articles with correct citations :

1) An article with numerous networks with short citations in the Data Section, and citations included in reference list: Marignier et al., 2024 :

2) An article citing many networks, with short citations in Table form (see Table 1 of the article), and citations included in reference list: Pedersen et al., 2023 :


Marignier, A., Eakin, C.,  Hejrani, B., Agrawal, S., Hassan, R., 2024.  Sediment thickness across Australia from passive seismic methods, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 237, Issue 2, May 2024, Pages 849–861, 

Pedersen, H. A., Mattern, F., Poli, P. &  Stehly, L., 2024. Imaging with seismic noise: improving extraction of body wave phases from the deep Earth through selective stacking based on H/V ratios, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 232, Issue 2, February 2023, Pages 1455–1467,
