The Epos-France seismological data center

Data distribution and archiving are supported by the Epos-France seismological data center (Epos-France SDC), located in Grenoble, and co-operated by Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTerre), Observatoire de Grenoble (OSUG) and Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA). The functions of the Epos-France SDC following the OAIS formalism are described in this page.

Securing seismological data

Epos-France SDC is committed to host securely all seismological data from Epos-France.

The responsibility for the data security is transferred from the data producers to the data center as soon as the transaction associated with the data transfer is terminated successfully. With this responsibility, Epos-France SDC has the right to take all necessary operations that would not modify the data in order to guarantee it’s security.

The data are hosted on the SUMMER storage platform in shared data centers of UGA. Data services are hosted on virtualization platforms of OSUG and UGA (WINTER). The network infrastructures are managed by UGA.

Through a partnership with CC-IN2P3 in Lyon, Epos-France SDC also stores a complete cold backup of the data archive to the CC-IN2P3 distant mass storage service. This backup is refreshed twice a year.

Distributing seismological data

Seismological data is distributed in the FDSN standards, mainly through web services.

Realtime data streams are distributed with the seedlink protocol.

Providing online services

Epos-France SDC also develops and host a collection of services to the enduser.

Epos-France SDC publishes a yearly services and usage report (in french):

Cyber security policy

The operational manager of Epos-France SDC is responsible for the cyber security of the data center. The security policy aims to conform to all aspects of the policy of the hosting institute, as described in the ISO-27001 .

The operational managers works with the UGA cyber security team in order to comply to the PSSI and enforce specific policies where applicable.

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